Allen Nelson is pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Perryville, Arkansas. He’s also the author of “Before the […]
Dr. Michael Svigel is Department Chair and Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He's also the […]
Jim Tingler is the Director for Administration of a missions support organization called ITEC, or Indigenous Peoples Technology […]
Roger Patterson is a former High School Chemistry and Biology teacher from Wyoming, and now a curriculum writer, […]
Allen Nelson IV is the pastor of Perryville Second Baptist Church in Perryville, Arkansas. He also writes for […]
Jordan Hall is the pastor of Fellowship Church in Sidney Montana. He is also a co-founder and executive […]
Stand to Reason is a Christian ministry that has, for over 16 years, focussed on training Christians to be "ambassadors" for Christ in light of 2 Corinthians 5:20, by helping them to develop the qualities of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Character. Stand to Reason's Greg Koukl joins me this month to discuss his new book Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, which focuses on the second quality: Wisdom. We discuss how to converse with non-Christians in a way that gets them thinking about Christianity without being argumentative, confrontational, or offensive. The majority of our conversation is about what Greg calls "The Columbo tactic." For more info and links, see