Answers in Genesis: In the Beginning…

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting the Creation Museum in northern Kentucky (just outside Cincinnati, Ohio), which is owned and operated by Answers in Genesis. While there, I had the opportunity to speak with a few members of the AiG staff.

Mark Looy is a co-founder, and the Chief Communications Officer of AiG. He sat down with me to talk about Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum itself.

Following my discussion with Mark, Dr. Terry Mortenson joined me. Terry is an expert in the history of geology, and spoke with me about some interesting aspects of geology that seem to be best explained by a global, catastrophic flood as described in Genesis 6. In the course of our discussion, Terry also mentions his book, The Great Turning Point, as well as a book he contributed to: Coming to Grips with Genesis.

Lastly, I spoke with Dr. Georgia Purdom, an expert in molecular genetics. She and I discussed some interesting facts about biology that fit nicely into the Young-Earth Creationist point of view, but present problems for Evolutionists.

I very much enjoyed my visit to the Creation Museum, and was glad that we decided to make the trip down there. In addition to the museum, they have a great planetarium show, wonderful landscaping with trails, and a petting zoo, complete with two hybrid animals, a zorse (half horse, half zebra) and a zonkey (half donkey, half zebra).

As Mark mentions in our conversation, it was strategically located to be within a day's drive of nearly 3/4 of the nation's population.

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