A popular teaching in Evangelical Christianity says that God has a plan (or a will) for us in our individual lives. Some say the level of detail of that plan is limited to major decisions in life such as who to marry, what career to pursue, where to go to college, etc. Others believe that even the minor decisions are planned out by God, such as: what kind of tooth paste to buy, what route to take to work, or how to style your hair. However, most agree that we as Christians need to seek Gods will in that plan, and can hear God speak to us in this regard by way of inner promptings, subjective signs, having a peace about a decision, or other subjective means. Pastors DeWaay and Gilley disagree with this "Popular View" (as Pastor Gilley calls it). After holding a conference about the importance of the Reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura, I had the privilege of sitting down with them to discuss the topic. We talked about where the view stems from, why they disagree with it, and what the scriptural arguments are for both sides of the view. To sign up for email notifications of new episodes of Echo Zoe Radio, visit https://www.echozoe.com/archives/2292
Daily Archives: Saturday, December 6, 2008
1 post