It's hard to believe that nearly a billion people take this guy seriously.
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No Comments “A War of Words”
This coming from a faith that believes in the divinity of Mary.
Yeah, I’ve been digging for the verse of the Bible where Jesus says “Worship my mother.” I just can’t find it. Maybe next time I make my way through the New Testament it will pop out at me.
They also teach that salvation comes through the Catholic Church, and that Jesus’ death on the cross didn’t pay the entire price for sins, but that we must work part of it off ourselves. That’s what Paul calls “another Gospel.” The Bible says: For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, {it is} the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. – Ephesians 2:8-9
There may be true Christians in the Catholic Church, however you can be a Good Catholic or a Good Christian, but you can’t be both.
I worked with a guy one time and asked him if he was saved. He was a catholic and said yes. I asked him how he knew and he told me because he went through the catechism(I think that’s what they call it). I informed him that was not the way to salvation and he assured me he was saved because of it. I stoppped pressing and went on my merry way. How many souls will end up in the lake of fire because of the irresposible quai-Christian teachings of the Catholic church?
sorry, quasi-Christian, can’t type
I have no time for any method of salvation that isn’t Biblical.
If any Catholics happen upon this, know that the Catechism isn’t the way to salvation. Salvation only comes through Jesus Christ.
We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If you want to understand what sin is, look to the 10 commandments. They are God’s Law. With law comes punishment for violating the law. Because God is perfect, infinite, and Holy, violation of His law requires an infinite penalty which you could never pay. When you understand this, you realize that Hell is very reasonable. This is where Jesus comes in. Because you cannot pay an infinite penalty, even after an eternity in Hell, Jesus stepped in to pay our penalties for us, which is what He did when he died on the cross.
The Bible says we need to repent, which is to turn away from sin – to forsake it, and trust Jesus the way a person jumping out of an airplane would trust his parachute.
Well said. I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten into with a Catholic who told me they were saved because they attend mass and give confessions. We can not save ourselves. Only the work of Jesus is sufficent. Good Stuff Echo.