The local Fox affiliate is doing a story that they asked me to participate in. I can't get into what it's about at this time, but wanted to share this picture. My wife and I went to the studio on Saturday, and while we were there, got a short tour. This is a rare “Echo Zoe” glimpse at me, sitting at the news desk on the set.

No Comments “E-Z on T.V.”
I’m betting on either teh tale of your vacation… or they read your blog and decided to make you the new pundit…
Naw, it’s more what I do in some of my free time (other than blogging of course). It involves SPAM email and Nigerian Generals 🙂
(Sorry to be cryptic, Google can be your friend, but it can also be your worst enemy)
My guess is about long-eared rabbit wresting….but it’s just a guess… 🙂
Friggin Rabbits, I hate ’em. Just wait until Easter. No friggin rabbit died for my sins!!
Actually I was serious about the Nigerian General thing. I like to toy with internet scammers, and they think that’s interesting enough to do a story on.
It is about time we got a look at you.
Actually, it’s not the first time I’ve posted my picture.
I am a recent and infrequent reader.
No worries. I think the majority of my readers are like you, and probably came along after that picture dropped off the front page 🙂
Glad to have you here none-the-less!